Augmented Reality (AR) interactive quote poster
This poster can be printed and used in your classroom, although there is more to this poster than meets the eye!
To access the augmented reality aspects of this poster, simply download the free Metaverse AR (augmented reality) app (available for iPad/iPhone and android formats). Scan the code and Rosa Parks will appear in your classroom to give your kids extra facts about the quote and even a short quiz.
Included are two posters one color and one black and white, both with AR codes to scan for interactive content.
Please ask if you have any questions!
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Augmented Reality (AR) interactive quote poster
This poster can be printed and used in your classroom, although there is more to this poster than meets the eye!
To access the augmented reality aspects of this poster, simply download the free Metaverse AR (augmented reality) app (available for iPad/iPhone and android formats). Scan the code and Barack Obama will appear in your classroom to give your kids extra facts about the quote and two short videos.
Included are two posters one color and one black and white, both with AR codes to scan for interactive content.
Please ask if you have any questions!
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Augmented Reality (AR) interactive quote poster
This poster can be printed and used in your classroom, although there is more to this poster than meets the eye!
To access the augmented reality aspects of this poster, simply download the free Metaverse AR (augmented reality) app (available for iPad/iPhone and android formats). Scan the code and Dr. King will appear in your classroom to give your kids extra facts about the quote and even the option to hear the full speech.
Included are two posters one color and one black and white, both with AR codes to scan for interactive content.
Please ask if you have any questions!
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This download is a complete lesson on introducing solar system with a knowledge harvest. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on space and our solar system.
Full lesson plan
Example knowledge harvest
Big Question
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
24 Posters with letters of the alphabet and the corresponding sign in American Sign Language
These are great for decorating your classroom or for using as flash cards to teach children the signs for the letters.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for special holidays.
This download includes 15 reward tags:
Happy New Year
Happy Valentine’s day
Happy St Patrick’s Day
Happy Easter
Happy Summer
Happy First Day of School
Happy Last Day of School
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Christmas
Happy Birthday
Happy World Book Day
Happy Pancake Day
Happy Earth Day
Happy Chinese New Year
Please ask if you have any questions!
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom, although there is more to these tags than meets the eye!
To access the augmented reality aspects of the tags, simply download the free Metaverse AR (augmented reality) app (available for iPad/iPhone and android formats). Scan the code and a fun character will appear in your classroom to congratulate the kids!
That’s not all, each tag has a unique AR reward that the children can collect and save in the app. Children can create a Metaverse account then any rewards they receive will be saved in their inventory. There is also the option for children to take selfies with their new reward. As the children have earned the rewards I let them take their new tag home and scan on home phones or tablets to save their rewards. Parent instructions are included in this download.
If you do not wish your class to create accounts, they can still claim their reward on screen but it will not be saved in their inventory.
This includes 15 reward tags and instructions:
Happy New Year
Happy Valentine’s day
Happy St Patrick’s Day
Happy Easter
Happy Summer
Happy First Day of School
Happy Last Day of School
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Christmas
Happy Birthday
Happy World Book Day
Happy Pancake Day
Happy Earth Day
Happy Chinese New Year
Please ask if you have any questions!
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Complete Lesson on Locating and Naming Rainforest Countries
This download includes a complete lesson on the rainforest and how to find them on a world map. The lesson focuses on the where the rainforests are in the world and explains why they are all near the equator. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children understand. The children will then complete a map worksheet to show their understanding. There are 3 different map sheets included to allow for differentiation. Everything needed for the lesson is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Differentiated map sheets (x3)
- Answer sheet
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack .
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Three sets of posters with the Alphabet, Colors and Days of the Week and the corresponding sign in American Sign Language
These are great for decorating your classroom or for using as flash cards to teach children the signs.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Teach children about the solar system. The lesson focuses on rounding up knowledge about different aspects of the solar system, such as the size of the solar system, the planets, the sun, life on Earth, the planet Mars and exploring outer space. There are two detailed PowerPoints to ensure children understand the lesson. The children will then create an information board using fun foldables and information sheets. Everything needed for the lesson is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Starter PowerPoint
Fact sheet
Information board foldable (with and without instructions)
Discussion picture
Example information board
This download is a complete lesson on introducing natural disasters with a knowledge harvest. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on extreme weather.
Full lesson plan
Example knowledge harvest
Big Question
This download teaches children about the Sun in one complete lesson. There is a detailed 24 slide PowerPoint on the size of the Sun, the life of the Sun, different types of stars and understanding an eclipse. There are also differentiated, 8 page, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. This pack is great for teaching kids about the Sun of our solar system.
This download includes:
Complete 24 slide PowerPoint
8 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
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This download teaches children about the planets of the solar system in one complete lesson. There is a detailed 18 slide PowerPoint on the different planets in our solar system. There are also differentiated, 6 page, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. This pack is great for teaching kids about the planets.
This download includes:
Complete 18 slide PowerPoint
6 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Thanks for looking
This download teaches children about the size of the solar system in one complete lesson. There is a detailed 24 slide PowerPoint on the size of the planets, solar system and the moon. There are also differentiated, 7 page, worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. This pack is great for teaching kids about the size of our solar system.
This download includes:
Complete 24 slide PowerPoint
7 page printable worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
Thanks for looking
Teach Children about The Solar System
This download includes complete lesson plans and resources for 7 lessons on the solar system. The lessons focus on different subjects related to space and the solar system and consolidating knowledge. Children will learn about the size of the solar system, the Sun, the planets, why there is life on Earth and more
Included are 7 lessons for the whole unit of work, PowerPoints for each lesson, class activities and handouts. Brought all together and save 30%
This download includes a fun space themed classroom calendar display for your classroom. These are great for teachers and kids to have an outer space themed room and celebrate everyone’s birthday.
This download includes:
Calendar title
Space ship calendar display
Days of the week signs
Months of the year signs
31 date signs
Full calendar instructions
Outer Space Classroom Jobs Display
This download includes a fun outer space themed classroom jobs display for your classroom. These are great for teachers and kids to have a space themed room and give children responsibility in their classrooms.
This download includes:
Jobs display banner
Editable pirate names
Instructions for all
18 classroom job posters
Space Themed Class Book Corner Letters
This download includes fun outer spaced themed book corner lettering for your reading corner display for your classroom. These are great for teachers and kids to have an outer space themed classroom.